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A set of PKI solutions

The safest and most efficient way to digitize your business processes.

Icono CoLT CertiSur


Certificate Management

Pantalla CoLT CertiSur

The issuance of certificates for an open community of users requires a simple and guided interface, where users can comply with all steps of the life cycle of a certificate regardless of the browser or the security conditions that have to be configured.

CoLT is a solution that covers the entire process by the user and facilitates its administration by an organization. CoLT has been developed to facilitate the issuance of certificates in open and heterogeneous environments, where there is little control over the user’s equipment and the diversity of platforms and browsers represent a problem in itself.

It allows you to have control over the storage location of the certificate and even allows it to be stored in the cloud.

Renew at any time

Download your certificates

Manage everything from one place

Icono Alison CertiSur


Digital signature in browsers

Alison is the solution to facilitate the integration of functionalities of digital signature and secure authentication for all users of browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Edge, Chrome, Opera, Safari) that have installed their certificates in various secure repositories (Microsoft CSP, Firefox NSS, PKCS # 11, Smartcards, eTokens devices) and on various platforms (Windows, Mac OS, Linux, Cloud HSM). The integration process in proprietary applications is very simple and fast; The SDK is documented and based on javascript.

This solution has been designed to offer users a homogeneous interface in all browsers and minimize the integration changes necessary for the use of this functionality in users’ stations.

Expiry alerts

Multi browser

Manage everything from one place

Access to all certificate repositories, supports CA filters and date ranges

Pantalla Alison CertiSur
Icono Alison Wizard CertiSur


Installation Assistant

Pantalla Alison Wizard CertiSur

The Installation Assistant guides you during the download and installation of the necessary components for the correct operation of Alison.

Step by step installation

Contextual information

Installation verification

Icono Debbie CertiSur


Digital Signature Validation

Debbie is a tool that facilitates the validation of digital signatures. Its easy to integrate to applications.

Access through HTTP or HTTPS protocol, the result in JSON format can be easily interpreted by any type of language.

Debbie is fully programmed in Java and depending on the implementation of the operating system it can be configured as a service allowing auto-start, start, stop and restart functions.

Its implementation integrates a standalone WebServer with its own embedded version of JRE.

Validation tool

JSON format

Easily configurable


Pantalla Debbie CertiSur

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