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Digital Signature for Individuals-Authentication Bureau ID

If your organization or company needs an official to digitally sign documents to exchange with other organizations, the solution is CertiSur Authentication Bureau ID.

CertiSur Authentication Bureau ID is a digital certificate for end users that CertiSur issues under the strict security standards.

Manage Authentication Bureau ID

Before Starting the Application or Renewal process, you must Install Alison Desktop

Request your Authentication Bureau Digital ID

Use your email address to find your Authentication Bureau Digital ID

If you already have an Authentication Bureau Digital ID issued by CertiSur, you can renew it 30 days before its expiration date.

Check if your certificate is correctly installed

Support Guides Authentication Bureau

If you have to apply for a new Authentication Bureau, download the following guide.

If you have to renew an Authentication Bureau download the following guide.

If you have an Authentication Bureau and are a User of Caja de Valores, download the following guide

If you have an Authentication Bureau and you are going to use it to sign PDFs, download the following guide

You should revoke your Digital ID if you suspect any of these conditions:

To do so, please send an email to validacion@certisur.com with the data of the certificate to be revoked.

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