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Remote Assistance Agreement

By requesting and accepting a remote session from a representative of CertiSur S.A. to assist you remotely with a related technical problem, you accept responsibility for changes made to the desktop content or system settings.

219 / 5,000 Resultados de traducción Traducción CertiSur S.A. does not assume and is not responsible for any circumstances arising from the linking and display of any desktop content, the operation of the TeamViewer software or the performance of the system.

CertiSur S.A. recommends for your security and privacy that you exit all applications you have open that are displaying content, such as personal or confidential information, before initiating a remote support session with a CertiSur representative.

CertiSur S.A. further recommends that you remain seated at your desk throughout the entire remote session.

The protection of your data is important to us. It is our recommendation that you regularly back up your data. CertiSur S.A. is not responsible for any data loss if any occurs during or after a remote session. If you need assistance in establishing a backup procedure for your data, please follow the instructions of the applications you are using, the provider of your underlying software, or your organization’s technical team.

CertiSur S.A. commits to use the utmost care when using your computer. However, CertiSur S.A. cannot guarantee that our service will solve your problem or that the attempt to rectify the technical problem will not cause additional problems.

The customer understands that some problems may not be able to be rectified through the remote session.

The Personnel of CertiSur S.A. is committed to complying with the best practices of the profession, especially on aspects related to security and data privacy. The practices that are required must be consistent with this policy and CertiSur S.A. may refuse to provide if considers that they breach privacy policies.

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