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Internet: Users vision 2021

CertiSur S.A. issues this report based on the information that arises from the survey specially made by D’Alessio IROL and that was carried out during the third quarter of 2021 to frequent Internet users.

25 November, 2021

Most significant conclusions:

  • Internet access in Argentina continues to grow, reaching 90% of the population.
  • Internet was essential during the pandemic: Necessary to maintain daily life. Changed the usual routine.
  • Highly valued but cannot make up for the lack of human contact and has wearied the ease of working with the screen.
  • SeRemote work is maintained. And a hybrid model started.
  • Even though fears grew less than expected due to the intensive use of the Internet, there were problems that could affect more than 5M users. The concern that remains is for the handling that “outsiders” may make of your personal data.
  • They know many security tools, but they use the ones they learned first.

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