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Digital Signature

The safest and most efficient way to digitize your business processes.

Digital signature

The digital signature is a technological solution that allows to ensure the authorship of a document or message and verify the integrity of its content, thus guaranteeing the non-repudiation of digitallysigned documents. It isa remote signature solution for digital documents with legal and probative value.

Main advantages

Firma digital

Cloud signature

Alison Server is a service that allows you to generate and store digital certificates in the cloud, allowing you to access them from anywhere whenever you need them. They will be protected with second factor authentication (OTP and PIN) to improve security. Thus avoiding the use of tokens.

Alison-Server allows:

Firma digital en la nube


Remote identity validation through biometric authentication factors. It allows validating the identity of a user through an electronic process that generates a trust equivalent to a face-to-face process.

Firma digital biométrica

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