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Banco Santander Argentina

Banco Santander de Argentina (www.santander.com.ar) has implemented Electronic Signature for all its Cash Management clients and SME Companies.


Banco Santander decided to improve its levels of security and, at the same time, improve the experience of its clients in its corporate and SME banking.

The main objectives proposed by Banco Santander were:

  • Digitize 100% transactions in a secure way.
  • Increase customers online transactions via Internet.
  • Own a service that ensures the identity of the client.
  • Avoid phishing attacks.


Banco Santander is a Certifying Authority under the CertiSur root, which allows it to deliver to the agents and signatories of its Banking Cash Management and SME Business clients digital certificates. Thus, Bank customers authenticate with these certificates on the Home Banking site and at the same time sign electronic documents online.

The most critical operations are now carried out directly on the website and completely on-line.

This way of operating provides the highest levels of security of provision for both the Bank and its clients and has also facilitated the way for operations that were carried out on paper to be carried out in a more comfortable, economical and secure way.

Used Solutions

Electronic signature

Certificate Issuance and administration

Electronic signature on cell phones

Electronic signature on cell phones


Digital signature in browsers


Certificate administration panel


Digital Signature Validation


Reliable date for digital documents

Trusted Third Party

Preservation of digital documents

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for more information about our solutions and products.
